Thursday, January 24, 2013

Blog number 2

  • Tell about an opportunity you had to work one-on-one with a student:

So far, a lot of my responsibilities have included reading with the children one-on-one. I love seeing how each student, whatever race or ethnicity they happen to be, are all trying their very best to learn and do their best in school. It doesn't matter to them what race their friends are. Most likely, they won't even realize they are very different at all.
The outlook children have on one another is such a good example to us, as adults. It is so important to judge someone based on their character, and not on the color of their skin, or the type of clothes they may wear. Even though, as a society, we are far from perfect when it comes to racism, it is so comforting to watch these young children in class so fully accept each other.

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