Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Blog Post #7

Blog Post #7

  • What are the procedures the teacher uses to make everything run smoothly in the class?
In my class, the teacher is very efficient with the structure she has set up for her class to run by. She has clear expectations for what the students are supposed to be doing, so they are always aware of whether or not they are "on task". She has set up a system where the students are mostly managing themselves, and she monitors the classroom while they do their work. It really has been an amazing experience watching how well she controls her students.

So for example, once they come into class, they silent read for 20 minutes. They know exactly where their books are, where they are supposed to be sitting, and for how long they are going to be doing that activity. Once silent reading is over, they go through morning exercises (basic same routine each day) and then dive into their lesson. They have group table set out each day, and they rotate with their groups to complete different assignments at each table.

I honestly try so hard everyday I'm there to remember exactly how she handles each situation because she does so in such a calm yet firm way. I think children thrive in controlled environments where they know exactly what the rules are and what they can expect.

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